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Almost all manufacturers require some type of code on their product. These codes can range from simple dot-matrix codes, elaborate hi-resolution bar codes and logos, and discrete date and lot codes on primary products. There are several technologies available for making a mark; we'll compare two common methods – inkjet printing and laser coding.
What is Inkjet Printing?
Inkjet printers propel droplets of ink onto a substrate (the product being printed on) in a specific pattern without touching the object’s surface. Inkjet printing is non-contact, which means only the ink touches the product or packaging. There are many methods of propelling ink onto a substrate depending on the type of printing technology being used. Squid Ink utilizes plunger technology in its dot-matrix printers that are commonly used for printing a series of dots in a matrix pattern to print simple codes, piezoelectric technology for printing hi-resolution characters such as barcodes, logos, and alphanumerics, and continuous inkjet (CIJ) technology for high-speed marking of primary products.
What is Laser Coding?
Laser coders use a focused beam of energy to mark a surface through ablation, engraving, or chemical modification (color change). Laser coding technology is a popular non-contact option for high-quality coding and is great for permanent coding of text, time and date, bar codes, serial numbers, and more. With the ability to create high-quality, permanent discrete marks, a laser code is ideal for applications where presentation is important.
Continue learning about laser coding systems? Visit our site www.hglaserglobal.com or email to info@hglaser.com for more detailed info and quote.
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